martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013


I think that this activities are good because can help me to practice and to do better my English so I like it

Movie review (No se aceptan devoluciones)

I recommend this movie was one of the best movies that I can see in my live because has a message that doto I value the things that I have.
I think that the movie of Eugenio Derbez is an excellent pretender to going to win an Oscar. Is the best movie in the history of Mexico simple as that.
Is about a man that some girl give him a a baby and then she dissapear.
Then the woman appear because she want her son and the man and his daugther (that is not his real daugther) dissapear to Mexico. The woman found them and in the final the daugther die.
The actors was Eugenio Derbez, Loretto and Layla Velazquez.

My experience in my first semester